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6 Common Anxiety Triggers and Ways to Manage Them

Anxiety can be triggered by a variety of external stimuli, including stressful environments, interpersonal conflicts, and overwhelming life events. Understanding these triggers can help you better prepare for and manage your individual responses to anxiety-inducing situations.

Stress – Identify your triggers and ways to reduce them

Identifying what triggers your stress can help you to better manage it when it arises. Common stress triggers include work and school deadlines, financial concerns, and big life changes. To reduce your stress levels and better cope when feeling anxious, consider evaluating any external triggers as well as reflecting on how to more actively manage these situations. Develop tools such as breathing exercises or mindfulness activities that can be used when feelings begin to overwhelm you.

Uncertainty – Develop a plan to take progressive steps towards focusing on what you can control

Uncertainty surrounding unforeseen events can cause anxiety. One helpful way to cope with this trigger is by developing a plan to take incremental steps towards focusing on what you do have control over. Start by writing down an action plan detailing achievable goals and tasks you can undertake in the near future. Include deadline dates and try to be as specific as possible; this will help you stay on track.

Change – Look for predictability amid the current situation and focus on positive changes that are coming up soon

Change can be hard to cope with, especially when it’s out of your control. The best thing you can do in this situation is to look for regularity and find predictability within the changes taking place. Remind yourself that positive changes are inevitable, so focus on them instead. Let go of whatever’s making you anxious and plan ahead by preparing yourself mentally and emotionally for the new events.

Perfectionism – Set realistic expectations and break your tasks down into smaller, more achievable goals

If you expect too much from yourself, it can trigger feelings of overwhelm and anxiety. To help manage perfectionistic tendencies, take small steps to develop realistic expectations for yourself and break down difficult tasks into more achievable goals. Set a comfortable timeline for completing the task and recognize that mistakes are inevitable. Be kind to yourself by allowing leeway to grow and learn from any missteps. This can help you redefine success in your life, which leads to increased feelings of self-compassion and well-being.

Overstimulation - Take breaks throughout the day and look for ways to create space between yourself and overwhelming feelings of anxiety and pressure

During times of overstimulation, it’s important to take breaks throughout the day to help reduce sensations of overwhelm. Create physical space to pause and take a few breaths to allow yourself a moment of stillness. It can be useful to practice mindful activities such as yoga or meditation, and work on limiting known sources of stress through mindful schedule planning. Furthermore, look for ways to make your life more comfortable by clearing clutter and reorganizing your home when necessary.

Learn more about anxiety treatment options: Anxiety Treatment Information